Mobile Deposit FAQs
PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to use PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit?
You may use the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App to deposit checks if:
- You have an internet-enabled Android™ or iPhone® device with a camera
- You are enrolled in PeoplesOnline Banking
- You have the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App on your mobile device
- You are a PeoplesBank customer with an active checking, savings or money market account. Your account needs to be in good standing. Mobile Deposit privileges may be removed at any time upon management’s discretion.
How do I register for PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit?
If you are enrolled in PeoplesOnline Banking, simply use your username and password to log in to your accounts through the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App. There is no additional registration needed. If you are not a current user of PeoplesOnline Banking, please register for PeoplesOnline Banking first at www.bankatpeoples.com. For assistance, email PeoplesBank or call 413.538.9500.
What items can be deposited?
Checks made payable to the account owner or joint owners that have been properly endorsed with “For Mobile Deposit Only” and the owner’s signature can be deposited to checking, savings or money market accounts.
What items cannot be deposited?
- No foreign checks
- No savings bonds
- No drafts or non-negotiable items
- No third-party checks
- No returned or re-deposited items
- No post-dated or stale-dated checks
- No tax refund checks
- No insurance checks
How do I make a mobile deposit?
PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit is available for most Android and iPhone devices. To begin depositing checks anywhere, anytime, please follow these steps:
- Launch the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App
- Log-in
- Click the Menu icon at the top right of the screen
- Select “Deposit a Check”
- Choose the account where you wish to deposit your check (checking, savings and money market accounts only)
- Enter the amount of your check
- Take a picture of the front of your check
- Take a picture of the back of your endorsed check
- Verify your deposit information, and click on “Make Deposit” to submit your check for review
Will PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit work on my phone and/or mobile device?
PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit works on most Apple and Android devices with the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App.
- Apple requirements: iPhone, iPad or iPad Mini device running iOS7 or newer with Camera Enabled
- Android requirements: Android OS 4.0 or higher with Camera Enabled device
How do I download the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App for an iPhone?
- Log-in to PeoplesOnline Banking. *
- Click on the Services tab.
- Click on the “Available on the App Store” icon.
- Download our free Application titled "PeoplesBank Mobile Access" from the Apple App Store.
How do I download the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App for a Google Android device?
- Log-in to PeoplesOnline Banking. *
- Click on the Services tab.
- Click on the “Available on the App Store” icon.
- Download our free Application titled "PeoplesBank Mobile Access" from the Google Play Store.
How much does PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit cost?
Please refer to our Fee Schedule to learn more about charges for using PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit. Regular transaction fees associated with your account(s) will apply. There may be additional data costs related to accessing the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App from your mobile device. Please check your wireless plan or verify with your wireless carrier.
How many checks can I deposit using PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit?
You can deposit checks up to your daily/monthly dollar limits.
When can I use PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit?
You can use Mobile Deposit 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays.
Are there limits to how much I can deposit?
Yes. There are daily and monthly limits that vary based on a variety of factors, such as average account balance and relationship with the bank. Limits are subject to change at management’s discretion.
Do you have any suggestions for taking good photos?
All images are reviewed for clarity and completeness. If an error is detected, the App will prompt you to retake the photo. Follow these tips to help ensure that a good photo is taken:
- Checks must include date, payee, amount and signature.
- Blue or black ink works best.
- Endorse your check.
- Take a photo of the check in a well-lit area.
- Lay check on a flat, contrasting background. Otherwise, it may cause non-matching check amount errors. If so, try another background (white or black).
- Remove objects or other items from view.
- Position the camera directly above the check (not from an angle).
- Make sure that all four corners of the check are visible. Use the guides built into the App to help you line up the picture.
How do I know when PeoplesBank has received my deposit?
After you submit a check, a confirmation screen will appear on screen, and you will receive an email confirmation. You should review your Account Activity to be sure your check was approved and deposited into your account. If your check can not be accepted for deposit, you will receive an email notification within three business days.
When will funds from PeoplesBank Mobile Deposits be available?
Mobile Deposits are reviewed and processed by 4:00 p.m. each business day. Funds from approved deposits made before 4:00 p.m. will be posted to your account by the next business day. Funds from approved deposits made after 4:00 p.m. (or on weekends or holidays) will be posted to your account within two business days. All deposits are subject to review, and funds from your deposit may not be available for immediate withdrawal subject to the Funds Availability disclosure provided during account opening. Once deposits are processed, you will see the deposit in your account via PeoplesOnline or through the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App. After you have verified that the check was successfully deposited into your account, store the check in a safe place and destroy the check after seven days.
Why was my check rejected? How will I know? And, what are my options if a check is rejected?
You can verify in your Account History to determine if your deposit was accepted. If your check can not be accepted for deposit, you will receive an email notification within three business days. You may be able to deposit that item at a PeoplesBank Banking Center or ATM. Please note that if you are attempting to deposit a third party check, or if the check is altered or incomplete, we will not accept this item for deposit by any means.
What if I submit the same deposit twice in error?
If the same deposit is submitted twice, it will be identified and stopped by our process. Should this occur, the second (duplicate) check will be reviewed and rejected immediately.
How secure is PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit?
PeoplesBank offers extensive security features to ensure that you can conduct your banking in a safe and private online environment. Our Mobile Access App is just as secure as our PeoplesOnline Banking service. Anything you do while logged on to the app is encrypted by industry-standard SSL encryption, preventing cell phone "scanning" or other attempts to eaves-drop. No check images are stored on your phone. However, it is your responsibility to protect your remote device and security credentials from unauthorized access. You assume the entire risk for the fraudulent or unauthorized use of your security credentials.
What can I do to protect my security and privacy?
There are some simple steps you should take to ensure the security of your information and protect your privacy when you use the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App.
- Protect your PeoplesOnline Banking password. It is your key to accessing your accounts. Do not reveal it to anyone.
- Memorize your PeoplesOnline Banking password. Never store it on your mobile device, or write it on paper that you keep near your phone or carry with you.
- Do not choose passwords that incorporate your name, telephone number, address or birthday or those of any close friend or relative.
- Never leave your mobile device unattended while using the PeoplesBank Mobile Access App.
What happens if I lose my smartphone?
If your phone is lost or stolen, it is unlikely that someone could access your account information unless they also know your PeoplesOnline Banking username and password. However, to be safe, you should contact PeoplesBank as soon as possible by calling 877.888.1388.
Who can I contact for help?
If you require assistance with PeoplesBank Mobile Deposit or have a question, please email PeoplesBank or call 877.888.1388.