PeoplesOnline Banking Frequently Asked Questions

What if I forgot my User ID?
If you forgot your PeoplesOnline User ID, please contact us at 413.538.9500.
What do I do if I forgot my Password?
If you have forgotten your password, the "Forgot Password" feature will allow you to sign in and change your password. Enter the requested personal authentication information, and then click "Submit". Enter and confirm your new password, and then click “Submit Password”. Once your password has been changed, you will receive immediate access to your online accounts. If you have questions regarding these steps, please contact our Customer Solutions Center at 413.538.9500.
What if my User ID and Password are correct, but I am still unable to sign in?
Your registration may still be pending or may be delayed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our Customer Solutions Center at 413.538.9500.
Why am I sometimes asked to verify my identity?
For your protection, PeoplesBank may provide an additional level of security and ask you to verify your identity in some situations.
What if I don't recognize my security questions?
If you do not recognize security questions or answers, don’t enter your Password. Please contact our Customer Solutions Center at 413.538.9500.
Why was access to my PeoplesOnline account locked?
In order to protect your account information from unauthorized users, we allow only a certain number of failed attempts for entering your password, PeoplesOnline User ID and security questions. If you exceed these attempts, your account access will be locked. If you have been locked out of your online banking, please contact our Customer Solutions Center at 413.538.9500.
How do I update my PeoplesOnline User ID?
Click on “Change User ID” in the "My Profile" section. Follow the on-screen instructions.
How do I change my Password?
Click on “Change Password” in the "My Profile" section. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Why can’t my PeoplesOnline User ID and password be the same?
For security purposes, your PeoplesOnline User ID and password must be different.
How do I change my security questions?
Click on “Change Security Information” in the "My Profile" section. Follow the on-screen instructions.
How can I change the order that my accounts appear on the Accounts Summary screen?
Click on the “Account Settings” link in the Service Center. In the Account Sort/Hide section, you can click and drag your accounts into your preferred order. Then click "Save". 
How do I change the nickname on an account?
Click on the “Account Settings” link in the Service Center. In the Manage Nicknames section, input your new nickname for the account you want to update, and press “Save”. You can also change a nickname from the Account Activity page for that account. Click on "Details" located near the top of the page. Then, click “Change Account Nickname” under the account name, input you new nickname, and press “Save”.
What’s the difference between the current and available balances?
Current Balance represents the actual amount of money presently in your account. It may not, however, reflect very recent account activity, including deposits, ATM transactions, debit card purchases or uncleared checks. Available Balance is the amount of money "available" to you for withdrawal. It is determined by adding your current balance to any additional amount you may have in overdraft privilege or any other overdraft protection.
How do I place a stop payment on a check?
In order to request that payment be stopped on a check or range of checks, you must first navigate to the Stop Payment page in the Service Center section. After choosing the appropriate account, select the radio button for either Single Check or Range of Checks. Then, enter the Check Number or starting and ending Check Numbers. You may also enter the Check Amount (optional). A verification screen with a confirmation number will appear after you click “Submit”.
How do I set up a transfer to someone else's account at PeoplesBank?
Click on Transfer Accounts under the Transfers menu. Click "Add Account", and then click on "Someone else's account at PeoplesBank". Once you enter the information requested for the individual and account that you are transferring funds to, the destination account will be added to your list of accounts available for transfer activity. Immediate transfers typically occur instantly once the “Submit” button is selected. The transaction cannot be cancelled or stopped.
How do I set up an External transfer, and how long will it take?
Our External Transfer service enables you to transfer funds to or from your accounts at another financial institution. To get started, click on Transfer Accounts under the Transfers menu. Click "Add Account", and then click "My account at another financial institution". You must enter your account information, and within a few days, we will make two small deposits to your account at the other financial institution. To complete the setup of this account, you will return to the External Accounts screen, click on “Verify" on the right side of the screen, and enter the amounts of the deposits. Upon successfully verifying these deposits, your destination account will be activated for these transfers. You will then use the “Transfers” screen under the main menu selection to send funds to your account at the other financial institution or pull funds from your account at the other financial institution. External Transfers may take between 3 to 5 business days to complete.
Why did my transfer fail?
There are several reasons a transfer might fail. Generally, transfers will fail due to insufficient funds in the account you are trying to transfer from. If funds are available, contact the PeoplesBank Customer Solutions Center at 413.538.9500.
How do I add, delete or edit a bill pay payee?
You can added, delete or edit a payee from the Manage Payees page under the Bill Pay menu.
How do I set up recurring transactions?
For Bill Pay, change the Frequency on a payment and choose various timeframes such as weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc. For Transfers, adjust the timeframes in the Scheduling Options field from immediate, future dated or recurring.
How do I pay my loan at PeoplesBank?
PeoplesBank loan payments can be scheduled under the Transfers tab.
How do I delete a scheduled transfer?
Recurring and future-dated transfers display in a Scheduled Transfers module under the Transfers tab. To delete, simply click “Delete” on the right on the row you wish to stop.
Why should I notify PeoplesBank that I am travelling?
PeoplesBank has been notified by VISA of ongoing fraudulent activity in certain states within the U.S. and countries internationally. To protect our customers, we have limited transactions in these locations. We will continue to work in partnership with VISA to monitor this situation and apologize for any inconvenience. If you are traveling and will be using your debit card, please contact us at 413.538.9500 and we will ensure full access to your normal debit card transactions.
How do I place a Travel Notification?
Navigate to the Service Center, and click on “Notify PeoplesBank of My Travel Plans”. Then, enter the Debit card number of the card that you wish to use, dates you are traveling and your trip destination. Click “Submit”.
How do I turn off my Debit card if it’s lost or stolen?
If your debit card is lost, misplaced or stolen, you can deactivate it immediately with PeoplesOnline Banking. Navigate to the Service Center, and click “Guard My Card”. Then, click the “Deactivate” button next to the card you would like to disable. If you would like to begin using your card again later, you can select the “Activate” button to turn it back on.

Please note: If you believe there are unauthorized transactions posted to our account, please contact our Customer Solutions Center at 413.538.9500.
What are Account Alerts, and how can I set them up?
Account Alerts provide timely information about your accounts so you can manage your money more effectively, help prevent fees and monitor for irregular activity. Alerts can be delivered to any email address you choose, or even to your mobile phone. Text message or data fees may apply.

To add or update alerts, click on Manage My Alerts under the Service Center menu. You can create, change or view your alert history all from this one location. To begin, click “Create a New Alert”. Select the alert you wish to activate, and press “Add Subscription”. For more information about what each alert is used for, select the link that reads “Click here for more detailed information about the Alerts we offer”.
Can I download my account data to Quicken or QuickBooks?
We are happy to provide you with two options to assist you in downloading your account data to your Quicken and QuickBooks programs:

Web Connect - The Web Connect service is an on demand update for your Quicken or QuickBooks software that is completed by you at your convenience from your PeoplesOnline Banking profile. Simply sign in to PeoplesOnline Banking to export transactions directly from your account history and import them into your Quicken/QuickBooks software. NOTE: This is the most secure process for maintaining your Quicken/QuickBooks software, as you do not have to share your online banking User ID and Password with the Quicken/QuickBooks software.

Direct Connect - With the Direct Connect service, your Quicken or QuickBooks software communicates directly with a connection to your PeoplesOnline Banking profile. To establish this service, you will need to initiate a connection process between your Quicken/QuickBooks software and your PeoplesOnline Banking profile. Visit for instructions on how to enable this service.
How do I register for Quicken/QuickBooks Direct Connect?
Navigate to the Service Center, and click on “Quicken and QuickBooks”. Then, click on “Enroll” to activate the service.